Arrival&Departure Dates
Select the reservations you wish to amend. Note that if you select multiple bookings with the same arrival and departure dates, the system will prefill the date fields with the correct dates. If you select bookings with different dates, it will not be able to prefill these fields.
If you are extending a booking with additional nights, there is no need to tick the box "Cancel without Fee" as this button is not applicable for extensions.
If you are shortening or extending a booking and do not tick the box "Keep Old Price," it will review if the prices have changed since you made the booking and re-price them. When you shorten a booking, you need to decide whether you would like to charge cancellation fees. If you do, leave the box "Cancel without Fee" un-ticked.
Business Segment
You can select whether the Business Segment of the booking. The hotel can set up different business segments themselves in the configuration (under the rates section in "services").
Origin: Select the source of business.
- AgencyDirect: For travel agent bookings
- CompanyDirect: For company bookings
- E-mail: Direct booking via e-mail to the hotel
- Fax
- InPerson: If a person comes to the reception and makes a future booking.
- PhoneCall
- WalkIn: If a person comes to the reception and makes a booking for the same night.
- Website: Booking through the website.
Room Category
If you would like to change the booked room category to a higher or lower category in the system, you can select the new room category here. When you make this change, you need to decide whether you would like to keep the old price or whether you would like the system to re-price it against the pricing set in the system (for those specific dates and the new room type).
Person Count
If the occupancy of the room has changed, you can select here the new number of people occupying the room. If you tick the box "Keep Old Price," it will keep the base price the same. Please note that the only thing the system will add or subtract is the cost of the per-person-per-night items within the booking (such as breakfast cost).
If you wish to add an existing company to a booking, this will allow you to track the company production in reports. It also opens up the possibility in billing to open a bill to the company name/address.
Travel Agent
If you wish to add an existing travel agent to the booking, this will allow you to track the travel agent production in reports. It also opens up the possibility in the billing to open a bill to the travel agent/address.
If you wish to add or update the notes on a bill, select the bookings for which you wish to update the names and the current note will appear for you to amend. (Please note that if you select multiple bookings and the existing notes are different, it will not be able to display any notes. The “Notes” box will be empty.)