The activity report is a great tool to analyse the operations of the hotel. Its a graphical display, by day-of-week and by the hours in those days, to help analyse where you have operational busy hotspots. We track check-in/out, housekeeping and booking creation. When you select a specific activity, you also get an overview by employee of who are the most active s in your team. Some great ways to use this report to improve the hotel performance.

Review Housekeeping Performance

Usually housekeepers start their shift at 08h00 and work until 16h00, this is a trend in most hotels. So theoretically the rooms should get cleaned and inspected in the same order. However in most hotels you will find that the bulk of rooms is coming back to "inspected" state only between 15h00 and 16h00. This means that the housekeepers do not have the tools to easily and quickly communicate when they have cleaned a room. This has an adverse effect on guest satisfaction, as often rooms will have been cleaned, but guests are told if they arrive before the official check-in time, to come back later (even if the room is cleaned). Mews offers a great housekeeping app, both for iOS and Android, offering your housekeeping department a great tool to optimize their speed at which they inspect rooms in the system.

Operational Hotspots at Reception

Management should be available at busy and critical operational hotspots. Often hotels have a big arrival or departure day 1 day of the week, and often this falls into the weekend... when all management is off. This is the critical time to make or break customer experiences. Use this report to highlight which days and hours on those dates are critical and ensure no one goes on breaks, management is available and achieve improved guest satisfaction.

When are your guests booking your hotel?

You can check at what time guest are booking your hotel, or which day specifically. Often when guests book your hotel they have already looked before, and have now returned to finish the booking. If you see a specific trend (for example a lot of bookings are made on Mondays), use this information to increase rates on that evening, to drive a little extra revenue.