The Guest Ledger Report is an overview of all guest profiles with unpaid/unsettled balances on their accounts. A number of these guests still have future bookings, and thus are not seen as problematic. However if the account does not have any future bookings, but an outstanding unsettled amount, the account will be highlighted in red at the top of the report, showing the need for action.

Date & Time Selection: the selection of date/time, allows you to go back in time, and see the actual situation of the open balances at that time. This is important for accounting departments who run an end-of-month closure, and need to balance their books based on the opening balance and closing balance of the Guest Ledger.

4 Modes of the Guest Ledger

  1. Customers: The overview is split up by all customers who have open balances on their accounts.
  2. Accounting Categories: The overview is split according to the set accounting categories at the hotels to get a better understanding of the mix of revenue that is due.
  3. Services: The overview is split according to the set services at the hotels to get a better understanding of the mix of revenue that is due.
  4. Consumption Date: This filter breaks the report down from the oldest charge until the newest charge to get a better understanding of the expiration of bills and outstanding items.

The Columns of the Guest Ledger

  • Consumed but not Billed - Revenue: This column reflects the revenue items that have been consumed by customers, but are still on open bills of guests. These guests are not necessarily in-house, they could already have departed from the hotel (for example minibar items that are charged late to guest accounts).
  • Consumed but not Billed - Payments: All payments that are posted in the system have an instant consumptions date/time. All items in this column are (similar to the revenue) on open bills of guests and require settlement.
  • Billed but not Consumed - Revenue: This column reflects items that have not yet been consumed (such as a non-refundable accommodation night for a guest who is due to stay next month), but the hotel has already closed the bill prior to arrival. We recommend against closing bills prior to the departure date, as you are no longer able to change details of the booking once the bill is closed.
  • Billed but not Consumed - Payments: This column should usually show 0, as all payments posted in the system have instant consumption, so this column should always remain 0.
  • Deposit Ledger: giving an overview of all pre-payments, against which no consumed revenue has been posted yet, and thus is considered a "deposit".
  • Guest Ledger: an overview of all Consumed Revenue for which payment has yet to be received.
  • General Ledger: a final tally of both the Deposit and the Guest Ledgers, showing a total amount of revenue that is not covered by deposits in the system.