In this section Room categories can be created, to which later physical rooms shall be assigned.
Space type: specify the space type by choosing between apartment, bed, dorm, room or suite.
Name: name of the room category.
Short name: a short name for the room category. Important, because short names save much space in reports. The short name is displayed on the Timeline & in the New reservation screen.
Description: provide a description of a room category here. It will be shown in several parts of the system, including New Reservation Screen and Mews Distributor.
Ordering: the ordering is important if you want to show rooms in a particular order on the timeline (e.g. the lowest category rooms at the bottom, and higher category rooms above). Ordering starts at 0.
Normal bed count: standard people count in the room (by default will be shown as adults count).
Extra bed count: identifies how many extra people could use this room category. Adding an extra person will affect the occupancy price.
Accounting Category: an Accounting category can be assigned to a specific room type, if it is necessary to see revenue from rooms divided in some way.
Room classification: classification for certain revenue management systems. This field is not required by default; use it if you are instructed to do so.
Reservation assignment strategy: decide how to assign bookings for this room category within a property as they come in. This setting will override property-wide assignment settings for this category.
Bottom up: the first booking will be assigned to the room 1, the second to the room 2 and so on.
Random: spreads the amount equally across the hotel. Use it in case there is no need to fill the property floor by floor.
Top down: the bookings will be assigned from the top to the bottom of the property.
Channel manager id: used for mapping to different Channel managers.
Order email template: while the general confirmation emails do come from the system, sometimes, it is necessary to deliver additional information to the guests of certain room types. For example, if an apartment is located next to the hotel, you may add the information about a different entrance. You can also use HTML here. Hence, this is a great place to for apartments to insert a Google maps link with the exact location of a specific apartment.
Image: image that would be displayed on the Mews booking engine.