Export schedules allow to send automatic reports to your email or FTP server. The functionality allows to customise schedules: set the time when desired reports are generated, set time-frames for the reports, choose how often to generate them. To understand how Export schedules can be set up, examine this page.

In order to set up a Schedule:

  1. Create an export target configuration
  2. Choose a report that you would like to export and export it using a Schedule by clicking the OK button
  3. Proceed to Exports in the left-hand side menu and choose Schedules
  4. Choose the desired Schedule
  5. Set the settings according to your needs
  6. Check Report configuration settings
  7. Enable the Schedule
  8. Save

Schedule configurations:

1. FTP export target

  • Name - name of the export target

  • Url - the Url where the FTP server is located

  • Port - port is not a mandatory field

  • Username & Password - credentials for the FTP server

  • Mode - use it according to your FTP server settings

2. Mail export target

  • Name - name of the export target
  • To - the address the email will be sent to
  • Bcc - Blind Carbon Copy, addresses for a hidden copy of the email
  • Cc - addresses for a copy of the email
  • Reply to - email a reply will be sent to

You can use , or ; for separating recipients and BCCs.


  • Name - name of the schedule
  • Is enabled - ticked checkbox notifies the schedule is enabled
  • Period - specifies how often the report will be generated (e.g. once per day, hour etc.)
  • Next start - date and time the scheduling starts
  • Export target - the drop-down that specifies export targets you have set before
  • Options - the enabled Notify creator about export checkbox will send a notification in the Notifications sections on the top right of the screen.

Report configuration

Interval - defines the interval for which the report will be generated

  • Last - takes a selected period that ends at the export schedule start time (e.g 'Last day' will start 24 hours before and end at the export schedule start time)
  • Previous - takes a whole previous interval (e.g. if the export schedule start time is 6/10/2017, the previous day interval will generate a report from 5/10/2017 00:00 to 6/10/2017 00:00)

The report configuration will also offer a list of settings for the report. They do vary depending on the type of a report you are exporting. These are the same filters you would see on the report page.

Good to know: 

You do not have to use an export target. In case it is not set, you will receive a notification in the system when your report is generated and will be able to download it directly.